Dog Training for Dallas, Texas

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Serving The Entire DFW area

We can now take Harvey out in public…

I highly recommend K9 league. Our Jack Russell, Harvey, was extremely aggressive towards dogs. He was aggressive to all dog breeds, sizes, male, and female. It got so bad that we became nervous to take him out of the house. We had tried another trainer and got no where.

We found K9 league and were impressed with consultation so we took a chance and sent Harvey to their aggressive dog board and train program. The results were fantastic.

We can now take Harvey out in public and even were able to get another dog, Stella. We loved them so much we sent Stella to their puppy board and train program. I am 100% satisfied with their programs. They communicate well and keep you informed with the dog’s progress. They are also very accommodation with picking up your dog and dropping them off.

Nicole S


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