Dog Training for Dallas, Texas

Call Now - (682) 651-7722

Serving The Entire DFW area

Now He Comes When Called!!

Norman is a 16 week old Aussie Doodle front Trophy Club, Texas. Being such a young a puppy, Norman was full of energy! He would jump and puppy bite his family. This little guy could not sit still and just wanted to play play play!

After completing our Polite Puppy Board and Train Program, Norman now has a channel for some of that puppy energy! He can now sit still and hang out with his family without them having to constantly entertain him. He walks politely on leash. He can wait at the door and comes when called.

Aussie Doodle Training Dallas

He is still his same goofy puppy self, but with our help he is now on the right track to being a great adult dog!


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