Dog Training for Dallas, Texas

Call Now - (682) 651-7722

Serving The Entire DFW area

It’s about the human’s getting trained…

LOVE K9 League! Amber and Stevo are the best for little dog training, private, and board/training. I did several private sessions at my house with Stevo and my Jack (Boston Terrier/Mini Schaunzer mix). I ended up sending him to board and train as I was not going to be in town due to work travels. Stevo worked extensively with Jack and was able to get him straightened out so he can be polite and ready for new home environments.

I have recommended them several times and will continue as it really isn’t just about the dog getting training. It’s about the human’s getting trained as well. I have referred them several times to friends, family and friends of friends, etc. I can’t speak highly enough about all the hard work they put in for every animal that comes their way.

Hilary S


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