Dog Training for Dallas, Texas

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Serving The Entire DFW area


After two months we got our sweet Hans back from boarding and training. Before he went I was physically unable to walk him because of his strength and size. He would pull me all over the place. I was very worried that with his love of “chasing cars” it would end up taking him from us, as I couldn’t control him when cars passed.

Kori brought Hans back today a changed dog. I CAN FINALLY WALK HIM!! He is very well behaved and doesn’t drag you down the road chasing cars. He is calm and we could not be happier about his behavior!

Kori explained in detail everything we are supposed to do and didn’t rush dropping him off. She stayed with us until we were comfortable and had all of our questions asked. They provided videos during his training to keep us in the loop and let’s us know he was doing well. I could tell from Hans’ attitude towards her, that he was very well loved and taken care of while he was away!


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