Dog Training for Dallas, Texas

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Serving The Entire DFW area

Success Stories

Toby is a 5 year Cavalier King Charles Spaniel from Fort Worth Texas. Toby came into us for obsessive barking and to learn some basic obedience. His owners were struggling to take him places due to his barking. With our help Toby now successfully can go with his owners to numerous dog friendly places.

Dooley is a 6 month old Bernesedoodle (cross between Standard Poodle and a Bernese Mountain Dog) from Keller Texas. Dooley’s owners were at their wits end with her “crimes against humanity” as they put it. She was jumping, digging, counter surfing and her biggest struggle was her puppy biting! She may have been a piranha in […]

Riley is a six month old black lab puppy from Fort Worth Texas that came into us when her family was struggling to handle her hyper behavior. Riley was stealing items around the house and chewing them, jumping all over the furniture and her owners, and was pulling on leash to the point of injuring […]

Bellamy is a doodle from downtown Dallas Texas. Her owners were struggling with her puppy biting and destructive behavior in the house. After completing our Polite Puppy Board and Train she has not only stopped her puppy bites and chewing in the house, she now walks politely on leash and doesn’t bolt doors which is […]

Eggs Benedict is a 2 year old English Bulldog from Dallas Texas that came into us for severe dog reactivity. When Eggs was a puppy he was attacked by another dog which caused him to show aggression towards new dogs. His owners who live in a very dog friendly loft in Dallas were struggling to […]

Amber has years of knowledge and extensive training. She gave us very helpful tips on nutrition for my dog. Really opened my eyes to what I had been feeding and how it could make a big difference. She really loves dogs and has a dedication that can never be found at a big box store’s […]


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